COP24: World can save 1 million lives by meeting Paris goals on air pollution

Dec 05, 2018

COP24: World can save 1 million lives by meeting Paris goals on air pollution A WHO report released on December 5th goes onto record to say that 1 million lives can be saved if nations around the world meet the climate change goals as per the Paris agreement 2050.

The human costs every year are estimated at 7 million lives and around 11.5 trillion dollars in lost welfare costs to economy. The 15 countries, which emit the most amount of greenhouse gas, spend 4 per cent of their gross domestic product (GDP) on health impacts of air pollution.

India as the third highest emitter will still incur 20% of the total costs mounted worldwide, if the climate change goals and objectives aren’t met. These would be mainly due to extreme weather, floods and costs spent on issues arising from a warmer climate overall.

Source : Down to Earth