3 tenets of preventive analytics and reporting in EHS software

preventive analytics and reporting in EHS

Talk about a smart safety supervisor at an industrial site, and one can picture autonomous equipment, unmanned drones, and advanced materials – it isn’t as simple and easy as it sounds, because implementation requires time and collective efforts. If any industry works with operational, logistics and technological teams, one can find new synergies that can improve safety at a construction site.

One must be fluent in the advanced technologies, as they serve as a conduit to match the applications such as AR/VR, smart wearables and connected clothing for creating a safe and an efficient work site.

The workplace safety conundrum

To get to the root of the problems, a way that identifies that ‘causal factors’ of an incident onsite becomes necessary – it helps in circumstances where one needs to predict the likelihood of future incidents before they occur.

You need to find the clues to the causal factors in the actions on-site – to have a better idea of all of this, preventive analytics and reporting shall help.

Whether you are a part of any industry, analytics and reporting help you make accurate decisions that help you drive better decisions on-site.

preventive analytics and reporting in EHS
Fig.1 Benefits of software reporting capabilities

One should focus on –

1. Purpose-driven data

An industry must start collecting data that helps in positive outcomes and improves EHS performance on-site. The data can be collected by EHS software, which can be further shared with executives to better engage them in the safety initiatives.

A good place to start is approach a good vendor who answers your questions (given below) and allows you to create base metrics.

  • How many incidents/near-misses did we have?
  • How many unsafe observations did we have? Can we visualize them?
  • Which action items were completed on time by the workers?
  • How much time did they require to complete the assigned tasks?

2. Uncovering the hidden risk

Diving into data generates 80% of the performance on-site (approximately) – which helps us assessing the existing site conditions.

If you have reviewed 25 audits from the previous quarter and found failure rates on housekeeping – it is a really small matter. You double check the contributing factors associated on your safety dashboard and notice that many of them are associated with slips, trips or falls. Poor communication leads to the same – you precisely decide to monitor poor housekeeping scenarios more closely so that such happenstances can be prevented in future.

Good analytics and housekeeping software help you get the reliable data from the workforces spread out in different locations – if one can pinpoint the Achilles heel of the safety profession, it would precisely be, weak reporting capabilities.

3. Added engagement and share time with executives

You cannot deny one fact – to drive large scale change in the companies, meaningful dashboards act as an add-on to the safety initiatives.

Real-time data analytics stand on the cusp where executives can align and will be thinking ahead for the next actions to make.

Success depends on our ability to take safety performances to the next level

– when reporting processes and data collection evolve, together progresses the industrial take on making an impact on the employees.

So speaking of actions, it becomes necessary to inspire our executives to take the best course of action with the available safety data that the reports provide.

To help them, there are –

  • Easy to use mobile apps that engage the workforce in the safety activities
  • Visual analytics to drive real insights.

Further, to get in real insights about how safety software works, get in touch with one of our executives – you’ll be guided through by our safety experts.



1 thought on “3 tenets of preventive analytics and reporting in EHS software”

  1. preventive analytics and reporting is one of the best topic.
    thank you for sharing. keep it up.

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