occupational health

Staging up for employee wellness programs

Employees are the substance to their vision and ensure that their travel remains smooth all along. The health of the employees have a direct effect on the company’s profits. When industries develop understandings in this sense, they benefit in the process of ‘engagement with the workforce’.

successes for digital age

Behavioural successes for digital age

In EHS and OHS circles, we often get purchase from within by talking about the work culture. The work culture which should engender safety, focus on workforce wellbeing and serve environment for longevity. A similar trait needs to be identified to address behavioural successes linked with digital domain.

Safety trainings

Safety trainings for contractors

Safety trainings must involve the importance of safe practices such as Lock-out Tag out, Permit-to-work, incident management, near-miss management, reporting practices etc. Every company aims for zero-casualty and to achieve this, it must ensure that each person at the facility works under safe conditions.

Woman Empowerment for Green Economy

The age of automation, AI technologies and other avenues are offering new job opportunities. The term ‘disruption’ has evolved in every field; and to weather such disruptions, it is implicit that men and women would need targeted support to be skilled, mobile and tech-savvy.