Choose Better Health Management For Your Chemical Manufacturing Business

ehs software for manufacturing

There is evidence and reports in the chemical sector that identify chemical exposures having devastating health impacts on employees. This evidence states that workers face health crises globally due to occupational exposure to chemicals. The reasons may vary from time and place, but the results are, for sure, petrifying. Some workers succumb to fatal injuries, while non-fatal injuries affect the workers’ ability to work, resulting in the family’s suffering.

Every labor organization at a local or international level recognizes that protecting workers from hazardous chemicals and their right to work in a safe environment is essential. But with the expansion of work in the chemical sector, employees’ exposure and health hazards are increasing daily. Additionally, the involvement of new chemicals is regularly growing. Therefore, keeping up with safety and limiting the employees’ exposure is becoming challenging.

Implementing an effective measure to prevent harm to the workers and keep them and their families in good health is critical. And what happens to be a great tool in ensuring that you implement these effective measures is Occupational Health Management Software. 

Let us discover more details and how beneficial the software can be.

What is Occupational Health and Safety Software?

Before understanding occupational health and safety software, let us quickly look at the occupational hazards in the chemical sector.

  1. Chemical exposure and poisoning
  2. Fire and explosion
  3. Respiratory issues
  4. Skin irritation and burns
  5. Noise-induced hearing loss
  6. Slips, trips, and falls
  7. Eye injuries
  8. Repetitive motion injuries
  9. Confined space hazards
  10. Electrocution.
  11. Toxicology
  12. Improper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
  13. Incorrectly labeled or absence of MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
  14. Improper Hazard Communication
  15. Ergonomics
  16. Hazardous Waste
  17. Inadequate First Aid

These occupational hazards are the ones that we know are present. But what about the evolving ones? Is it not necessary to be prepared for a safe future?

With this thought, experts created occupational health and safety software. 

This software maintains, records, updates, and analyzes the complete health structure of an employee.

Let us elaborate with an example. 

An employee has a previous record of heart surgery. He has to take medications for a certain period and not get exposed to certain chemicals. When they enter these details in the software, it automatically generates a form requiring the surgery’s when, how, and why. It also needs details of the aftercare and the precautions to be taken. Once these details are uploaded with the other health information of the employee, the software generates a complete health record system of the same. 

The safety officer and the employee can access their health details with one simple click. Of course, employees have limitations, but they can receive timely alerts and notifications for their doctor visits, routine checkups, and an entire health index trend.

Due to the comprehensive record, it becomes easy for managers to dedicate jobs to the workers accordingly. Thus, being conscious and intensifying the safety measures.

What Does An OHS Software Do?

Now that you know what OHS software is let us give you more technical details about the software.

An OHS software continuously monitors and mitigates the health risks for your employees, thus making your organization a safer place to work. Not only is it necessary, but some laws make it mandatory for organizations to incorporate OHS software. It not only ensures the well-being of the employees but also ensures that time and resources are saved. 

Occupational Health software is a uniform platform for the health management of employees, contractors, and vendors.

  • It comprehensively maintains employee medical and health information.
  • It records employee injuries or past illnesses with the proper doctor’s prescription.
  • It regularly updates employees and authorities about routine checkups.
  • It segregates and analyzes medical checkups based on internal and external checkups.
  • It has a detailed log of the injuries or illnesses of an employee.
  • The software provides a health trend that has been transitioning over the years. This helps to maintain a record of the employees who have aged and need more vigilance regarding health issues.
  • The health index parameters show the employees that are not healthy and the diseases they are prone to.

This is the ultimate solution to enhance occupational health visibility. The health trends help the organization to conduct thorough health investigations and monitor the workplace for exposures and employee care.

Benefits Of OHS Software

OHS software helps the organization to keep the workplace healthy and mitigate illnesses. It also records the correct compensations given and used by the employees with the right bills. Incorporating this software shows that the organization cares for its employees’ health above everything else.

Besides keeping the workplace healthy and happy, the OHS software has more benefits.

Increased Data Accuracy

When you integrate and standardize medical data, the chances of errors in data range from zero to null. 

Right Worker’s Compensation

Using root cause analysis and having the correct information, workers’ compensation for sick leaves and medical claims is transparent.

Notify Health Alerts

When you plan a health checkup, you can send timely alerts and reminders so that all the employees make themselves available for the health checkups. 

Improved Employee Health

When the software provides actionable insights and visible health trends, worker’s health can be easily taken care of. 

Makes Monitoring Easy

If a particular department shows a regular trend of back pain, you can analyze and have ergonomics monitoring done for them. Therefore, when you have clarity about the problems, designing the solutions becomes an easy task.

Manage Cross-Functional Collaborations

Regarding health, we are all humans, not the HR department, inventory department, legal department, etc. The software promotes cross-functional collaborations to manage health operations effectively.

Training, PPE, and Hazard Identifications

The health trends reveal the lack of use of PPE, training, or exposure. Therefore the required employees can be trained or alerted if any need for more understanding is shown in the training, PPE, or exposure areas.

Move Closer to a Healthier and Safer Workplace

With the increase of new chemicals, it is difficult for the chemical sector to keep up with the health training of the employees. Therefore, this sector must invest in health software that promises 360-degree safety and a healthy environment.

In the chemical sector, employees operate in challenging situations and emergencies. Hence, if they know that they are cared for and the organization is keen to provide them with a healthy and safe environment, they will give their 100% to be productive and efficient!


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