occupational health and safety in automotive industry

Occupational Health and Safety – Automotive Industry

In an automotive industry, the factory floors are busy and bustling places of manufacturing robots and equipment. They contain moving machineries and thousands of workers, and both work in collaboration. It’s a challenge to maintain this complex supply chain and so, health and safety of employees tops the agenda.

Occupational role in infection

Occupational role in shaping infections

Occupational centres, occupation and trade remains central to this theme of how modern emerging infections are being shaped. As you read these lines, a business executive sick with influenza can travel via airports, local transit systems and cab rides creating an infectious trail for weakened immune systems to fight.

Workplace health and safety

Workplace health, safety and welfare

When we think of living in a civilized world, leading a meaningful worthwhile and responsible life, we are to be impelled by our conscience to have the basic right of leading a safe, healthy and buoyant life, full of cheers, love, compassion, fellow-feeling, responsible citizenship and progress.

Health yoga

Preventive Health Management through Yoga

Yoga is one such tool which has now been deemed as an invaluable gift from India to the world. Yoga is a union of physical, mental and spiritual practices that believes in maintaining and restoring order to the human body and mind through its training and discipline.